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02/14/2022 - Today is a type of the Second Passover (2/14). The Lord has instructed us to pray for special prot... Read More
02/12/2022 - It is now clear that the Kingdom’s foundations are coinciding with prophetic type of the Sec... Read More
02/11/2022 - The Canadian truckers’ revolution is spreading to Europe. Thousands of truckers are convergi... Read More
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Our purpose is to equip those who are ministering with a knowledge of the Word, so that each will be more effective in fulfilling his or her calling.
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Series: Isaiah, Prophet of Salvation, Book 6 - Having laid the foundations of the sovereignty and omniscience of the great Creator, who is the beginning and the end, and of His New Covenant promise to save and restore Israel, the prophet continues in Isaiah 41 by declaring that this same God is Israel&... Read More
Considering all the mainstream news accounts of the dozens of Antifa and BLM setting fires in California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, Facebook is letting us know that it will be censoring of these news reports. Their purpose is to censor “fake new... Read More
Series: Isaiah, Prophet of Salvation, Book 6 - In view of the great and sovereign Creator, Isaiah 40:18-20 says, 18 To whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare with Him? 19 As for the idol, a craftsman casts it, a goldsmith plates it with gold, and a silversmith fashions chains... Read More
Series: Isaiah, Prophet of Salvation, Book 6 - Isaiah’s contrast between “grass” and “the word of God” was grasped by the New Testament apostles as the basis of their teaching on Sonship. Sonship, in turn, is the heart of the gospel, for Christ’s death, resurrection,... Read More
It seems that when they light fires in the cities, it is called “mostly peaceful protests.” When they light fires in the forest, it is “climate change.” The cause of the fire depends on the geography.... Read More
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