God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




Latest Posts

  • Let My People Go prayer campaign (final background)

    Series: Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign - Tomorrow at 10 a.m. is the date of our case before the divine court. You are all invited to participate in this. I have given much background in recent weblogs. I hope to tie up all the loose ends today and provide an overall summary, so you can understan... Read More

    Prayer Campaigns
    8 - 11 min read
  • Seymour Hersh says US sent chemical weapons from Libya to Syrian rebels

    The plot to implicate Assad by using chemical weapons has long been in the making. Recall that in 2013 Assad was accused by the US government of using chemical weapons, when in fact it was the US-backed Syrian rebels who were using them. These chemical wea... Read More

    1 - 2 min read
  • Trump’s supporters now leaving him

    Even if Assad had indeed used gas against an ISIS stronghold, what gives the US government the right to attack another sovereign country? Does Assad pose a threat to America? We police everyone else to keep them from attacking their neighbors, but we refus... Read More

    1 - 2 min read
  • It begins

    It did not take long for the Babylonians in our government to turn things in their favor. After the Trump administration let it be known that they would not continue demanding the removal of Syrian President Assad, suddenly, the warmongers received a huge... Read More

    9 - 12 min read
  • Did Obama spy on Trump?

    It appears that Susan Rice just admitted to spying on behalf of the Obama administration. It seems that from now on, the Democrats will have to justify their actions, rather than deny what they did. http://dailycaller.com/2017/04/03/susan-rice-ordered-spy... Read More

    < 1 min read

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