God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • The meat of the word, part 14

    Series: The meat of the word - Moses was a type of Christ in the Old Testament, for we read in Deuteronomy 18:17-19, 17 The Lord said to me, “They have spoken well. 18 I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in His mouth, and he shal... Read More

    Bible Studies
    7 - 10 min read
  • The meat of the word, part 13

    Series: The meat of the word - We see from the examples of Absalom and Judas that not all of the types and shadows of the Old Testament point to Christ. Absalom was the prime type of antichrist, and Judas was the prime type of believers who (temporarily) support antichrist. Absalom, bei... Read More

    Bible Studies
    8 - 11 min read
  • The meat of the word, part 12

    Series: The meat of the word - One of the least understood types and shadows of the Old Testament is about Absalom. Absalom was a son of King David. When he overthrew David, he became the type of Caiaphas who overthrew Jesus Christ, the son of David. I first discovered this, not because... Read More

    Bible Studies
    10 - 12 min read
  • Has World War 3 finally begun?

    During the past 2 years, some commentators have asserted their belief that World War 3 began with the start of the Russia-Ukraine war in February 2022. Today, with the escalation of the Israel-Iran conflict, there are many more voices making the same asser... Read More

    5 - 7 min read
  • The meat of the word, part 11

    Series: The meat of the word - One of the most important Old Testament types and shadows is King David, who was a type of Christ in two ways. First, he was the king of the United Kingdom of Israel, and, as such, foreshadowed Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate King of the earth (1 Corinth... Read More

    5 - 6 min read

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