God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • Bribing God

    The Lord gave me a Word yesterday to write about "Prosperity," but not until later in the day did I get the inspiration to actually know what to write. Interestingly, I came across three articles that will provide the basis of today'... Read More

    7 - 8 min read
  • God's Will and Plan: Part 2

    Series: God's Will and Plan - When God spoke the Ten Commandments to Israel, they did not have ears to hear or eyes to see, and so they ran away in fear rather than draw near to God in faith. The story is told in Exodus 20:18-21. It was obviously the will of God for the people to draw... Read More

    Bible Studies
    7 - 9 min read
  • Criminalizing Christianity

    I do not know how long we will have to share the Word of God online or by mail. America is embarked on the road to criminalizing the Bible, or at least parts of it. If you quote or read parts of the Bible in public, and someone objects to it, they could ch... Read More

    < 1 min read
  • An Interesting Horse Sign

    On Oct. 31, 2006 an unexpected weather pattern flooded parts of the Netherlands, and about 200 horses were stranded on a small island. Eighteen of them drowned before rescue. Eighteen is the number of captivity or bondage. The horses were rescued on Nov. 3... Read More

    4 - 5 min read
  • God's Will and Plan

    Series: God's Will and Plan - Many people have stumbled on the issue of Free Will and God's Sovereignty. This issue has divided Christians since the beginning. It was even one of the dividing points between the three original denominations of Judaism: Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes... Read More

    Bible Studies
    6 - 8 min read

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