God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • Saddam Hussein Hanged

    This web log will stretch most of you, but because it is in print, you can study it piece by piece if necessary. I recently did a series on the prophetic history of November 21-29 and also of January 23. These dates have been prominent as part of a genera... Read More

    6 - 8 min read
  • A Little Economic Humor in Song

    If you have nothing better to do with your time, you might want to go to the web address below and listen to a song rewritten for economists. It has a short narrative at the beginning. Anyway, I enjoyed it, and I think you will, too. http://www.yieldsz.co... Read More

    < 1 min read
  • How and When to Establish a Christian Nation: Part 6

    Series: How and When to Establish a Christian Nation - I have tried to show the basic difference between a Christian Nation and the Kingdom of God in order that you might know how best to expend your energy. While I certainly would like to live in a truly Christian Nation, I recognize that it would not be the... Read More

    Bible Studies
    6 - 8 min read
  • Giving Proper Credit to William Seymour

    In a recent web log, I mentioned Charles Parham as the primary founder of modern Pentecost in 1901. Then I mentioned the Azusa Street revival in 1906, the Latter Rain in 1948, the FGBMA, Charismatic Movement, and Word of Faith without mentioning any n... Read More

    3 min read
  • An Israeli Columnist's Opinion about...

    This is one of those really incredible articles that I thought should be read by more people. So I am bringing Sever Plocker's "opinion" article to your attention. His viewpoint is refreshingly honest and based upon the principle of equal jus... Read More

    < 1 min read

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