God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • The Great Wall of Palestine

    Prophecy students have been told for the past century that Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophesies a Russian invasion of "Israel" in the land of Palestine. I once fervently believed this as well. But upon closer examination, we find that Ezekiel's descr... Read More

    6 - 8 min read
  • A Variety of News: Part 2

    I received this response from a friend in regard to a recent web log. I thought it was something that should be shared with all of you: Stephen, Your comment today about the two groupings one of martyrs and the other of the delivered ones reminded... Read More

    < 1 min read
  • A Variety of News

    Last week, the incoming Secretary of Defense Robert Gates mentioned Israel as being a nuclear nation. The other day, Israeli Prime Minister Olmert did the same, though it was later loudly denied by those who were appalled that he would make such a slip of... Read More

    6 - 8 min read
  • The Beast and the Harlot--A Rocky Relationship

    Last September America was sending its warships and aircraft carriers to the Persian Gulf as a show of strength for the benefit of Iran. At the time, Iran was also conducting military exercises, and it appears now that the military buildup in the Pers... Read More

    6 - 8 min read
  • New Testament Types in Acts: Part 14

    Series: New Testament Types in Acts - At the end of the eleventh chapter of Acts, Luke returns to the history of the apostle Paul. The story of Peter's great revelation in chapters 10 and 11 lay the foundation for Paul's ministry to the nations. In fact, its inclusion in this book woul... Read More

    Bible Studies
    6 - 8 min read

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