God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • The Secure Fences Act of 2006

    The border wall with Mexico was made law in 2006, and Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton voted for it. Today they act as if immigration is a right, and they refuse to fund the border wall, hoping that people don’t remember that they voted for this jus... Read More

    < 1 min read
  • 3 evidences of Babylon's fall

    Strike 1: Macron and the EU’s Dictatorship Below is an article showing how French president Macron’s popularity has plunged to 20 percent, although he just came to office last May. Has anyone’s ratings slipped so fast? He is backing dow... Read More

    5 - 7 min read
  • The turning point

    The New French Revolution has reached a turning point. Remember when first Libya’s Khadafy and then Syria’s Assad started “killing their own people”? The western media went crazy when troops killed protesters in those countries. Well, now it is happening... Read More

    3 - 4 min read
  • Q is going worldwide

    The New French Revolution is being inspired (at least in part) by the Q phenomenon here in America. Q has also reached the South Pole (pictured below). Babylon’s greatest nightmare is that the Q revolution will spread to the rest of the world. That i... Read More

    < 1 min read
  • Bailing out of Deutsche Bank

    The largest bank in Europe is in serious financial trouble, having lost money for the past three years. Its stock price has lost half of its value in just the past 12 months. Scandal after scandal has plagued them, as they are fined for price fixing, money... Read More

    2 - 3 min read

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