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12/04/2018 - Daniel 7 speaks of a “little horn” that was to extend Roman rule after the fall of the... Read More
12/04/2018 - As I drove home from the office last evening, it occurred to me that I ought to explain further th... Read More
12/03/2018 - Former president (41) George H. W. Bush was said to have died at 10:10 pm the night of November 30... Read More
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Series: Studies in the Book of Luke - Jesus was not offended when John sent disciples to ask, “Are You the Expected One?” It happened that when those disciples arrived, Jesus had opportunity to heal many people, as we read in Luke 7:21, 21 At that very time He cured many people of... Read More
Series: Studies in the Book of Luke - After Jesus raised the widow’s son from the dead at Nain, we are not told if Jesus remained there or if He went on to another place. Since the trip from Capernaum was about 25 miles, it would seem likely that He might stay the night in Nain, but if s... Read More
Series: Studies in the Book of Luke - The next incident that Luke records is found in Luke 7:11-17. 11 And it came about soon afterwards, that He went to a city called Nain; and His disciples were going along with Him, accompanied by a large multitude. This city exists to this day under the... Read More
Series: Studies in the Book of Luke - When Jesus completed His foundational teaching on the mount, He went to nearby Capernaum. On the way, He healed a leper, as recorded by Matthew but not by Luke. The main story comes after Jesus’ arrival in Capernaum. Luke 7:1, 2 says, 1 When He had... Read More
In 2010 the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill polluted a vast area of the Gulf of Mexico. This soon became our project for the eighth sign of Elisha on July 10-15. In October of that year some people used the 528 Hz frequency to help clean up the water. In t... Read More
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