God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • The Power of Forgiveness

    In any study of biblical law, the biggest obstacle that one encounters is the law's inability to forgive. It is not the function of the law to forgive, for it can only condemn sin. That is its divine mandate, and it has no power to go beyond... Read More

    Bible Studies
    5 - 6 min read
  • Waterboarding: Is it Torture?

    Yesterday, Vice President Dick Cheney brought America's prestige in the world a few points lower by endorsing "waterboarding," a torture technique used for many years to extract information from prisoners. Of course, he claims that waterboard... Read More

    4 - 5 min read
  • Another Naval Group Goes to Persian Gulf

    We have watched the scene in the Persian Gulf lately, where three groups are being gathered. Take note, however, that the Eisenhower Strike Group is reported to be in Naples, Italy on October 23, so this group is not yet in the Persian Gulf. The link below... Read More

    3 min read
  • The New Man Chosen

    In the beginning God created man in His likeness and image (Gen. 1:26, 27). But Adam sinned, and they lost the image and likeness of God. There was, of course, no change in their genealogy, but there was certainly a change in their character, for a revolut... Read More

    Bible Studies
    7 - 9 min read
  • Truth and Illusion

    The rise of Freudian psychology in the 1920's, combined with the public relations ideas promoted by Edward Bernays, firmly established the value of illusion in managing the masses. Because science was king in those days, and everyone had great co... Read More

    Bible Studies
    6 - 8 min read

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