God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • How to Win a War

    America could possibly be on the brink of war with Iran. It may be mere coincidence that three Naval Groups are now in the Persian Gulf area. It is not unusual for America to keep one of its fleets there, nor is it unusual to see fleets rotated. In this ca... Read More

    7 - 9 min read
  • Lords and Servants

    The fundamental principle of all good government rests upon the idea that governing officials are public servants, rather than privileged lords over commoners. The pursuit of advantage is, of course, a major concern to the carnal mind of man, and this tak... Read More

    Bible Studies
    7 - 8 min read
  • Israel Admits Use of Phosphorus Bombs in Lebanon

    Yesterday, the Israeli newspaper, Ha'aretz, ran this article, saying that Israel had used Phosphorus bombs in the recent war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. It also tells us that the U.S. used the same type of chemical bombs against insurgents in Fallujah i... Read More

    < 1 min read
  • Equal Justice

    We have been told by the presidents of at least two nations recently that we are engaged in a "War of Civilizations." It is not merely a "War on Terror," but a collision of civilizations. Of course, by this, the president of Iran includ... Read More

    Bible Studies
    6 - 8 min read
  • Three Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups Nearing Iranian Waters

    Debka-file reports that there are to be three Carrier Strike Groups poised off the coast of Iran shortly. They are: the Iwo Jima, the Enterprise, and the Eisenhower Strike Groups. The first two are there now, and the Eisenhower Group is scheduled for... Read More

    2 - 3 min read

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