God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • Intercession for America in 2001: Part 1

    Series: Intercession for America - The year 2001 was one of the most pivotal years in history. Everything changed in that year, not only in America but for the whole world. As I have written many times, the Pentecostal Age ended on May 30, 1993 on the 40th Jubilee of the Church since Pente... Read More

    Bible Studies
    5 - 7 min read
  • The Sin of Cursing Leaders

    It has always been common practice to curse political leaders when we disagree with them. In America, we seem to hold this principle as our divine right. In reality, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed that all rights come from God alone, and that gover... Read More

    Bible Studies
    5 - 7 min read
  • What To Do When Babylon Falls

    At the end of Revelation 16 we are told that when the seventh bowl of wine is poured out upon Babylon, there is "a great earthquake" along with "hail." Some of this might have a literal application. We will probably see some sort of gre... Read More

    Bible Studies
    5 - 6 min read
  • Christ's Coming Revealed by Moses

    When the Apostle Paul wrote of the second coming of Christ, he used terminology from the book of Exodus, using Moses as a type of Christ. His quotes would have been quite familiar with the Church in that day, and so Paul did not take the time to explain it... Read More

    Bible Studies
    7 - 9 min read
  • Signs in John

    Since the last weblog gave such a brief summary of the signs in John in order to focus upon the two middle signs, I thought it would be helpful to share a little about the first and the eighth sign as well. This will give you some idea how these signs prop... Read More

    Bible Studies
    4 - 5 min read

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