God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study


2024 Tabernacles Conference
October 18-20! Click banner for details


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  • Leviathan and Zionism

    Gen. 1:28 says that the Bible created man to "subdue the earth." This tells us that apart from man, the earth was chaotic like a jungle and in need to organization and purpose. In other words, man was to build the Kingdom of God so that the glory... Read More

    6 - 8 min read
  • Leviticus v. Leviathan

    Throughout the Middle Ages, the monarchs and popes asserted their divine rights to rule the people. It was called in Latin, Rex Lex, "the king is law." What is the law? Well, ask the king (or pope). Whatever he says is the law at any given moment... Read More

    5 - 6 min read
  • The Consequences of a Secular America

    America's unique place in history is in the fact that it took the biblical principles of equality from the Protestant Reformation and incorporated them into a theory of government. Since the people were equal, it forbade an monarchy, aristocracy, or an... Read More

    5 - 7 min read
  • A Reader's Response to the "Christmas" Sign

    One of our readers had this to say about our article on the Manger of Bethlehem viewed as a Messianic sign: "Another take on the first sign. "In Gen. 34:21 the Targum Pseudo-Jon. paraphrases 'Migdal Eder,' or 'the tower of the floc... Read More

    2 min read
  • The First "Christmas" Sign

    When the angels appeared to the shepherds, telling them that the Messiah had been born in the City of David, they said in Luke 2:12, "And this shall be a SIGN unto you: Ye shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." Wha... Read More

    Bible Studies
    4 - 5 min read

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