God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




Latest Posts

  • The Light exposes Babylon, part 1

    After the Federal Reserve Act was passed on December 23, 1913, bringing America (and the world as a whole) into the bondage of Mystery Babylon, the Laodicean Age also began insofar as the Church was concerned. Our Babylonian leaders first took control of... Read More

    8 - 10 min read
  • Home Again

    We arrived home safely last night. I had many urgent things to do today and did not find time to do a weblog. The weather also slowed me down as I went to the print shop to pick up the February FFI and the latest brochure (Part 4 of the series on God's... Read More

    3 - 4 min read
  • 1000 Word Commentary On The Joseph Conference Aftermath

    Picture was taken from Joseph's backyard   Joseph's comment , "Very unusual, never seen one like it."... Read More

    Trip Reports
    < 1 min read
  • Joseph Conference Report

    The Joseph Conference in San Diego brought about 120 people to the hotel, and the room was quite filled to capacity with room for only a few more. The thought has occurred to me that we really should hold a conference there (or at least somewhere in Calif... Read More

    Trip Reports
    2 - 3 min read
  • What was accomplished at the Joseph Conference?

    The Joseph Conference ended Sunday noon, and many stayed in the hotel lobby to talk and ask questions until I left about 6:30 pm. (I was staying at Joseph's house during the week end.) We left late morning on Monday and have stopped in a hotel for the... Read More

    4 - 5 min read

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