God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study


2024 Tabernacles Conference
October 18-20! Click banner for details


Latest Posts

  • Investigations, moves, and countermoves

    James Comey, former FBI director, is expected to testify before the House behind closed doors. He tried hard to push for “transparency” by appealing to a judge to hold the hearing in public, but the judge ruled against him. Next to testify will be Loretta... Read More

    8 - 11 min read
  • Revising the Dispensationalist Ages

    The Dispensationalists in the 1800’s divided time into the following ages: 1. Innocence - Adam 2. Conscience - After man sinned, up to Noah’s flood 3. Government - After the flood, Noah to Abraham 4. Promise - Abraham to Moses and the giving o... Read More

    Bible Studies
    9 - 12 min read
  • Gematria for French president Macron

    In light of the new French Revolution that is brewing as a response to the globalist and Rothschild banking policies of President Macron, someone sent me the following analysis of the gematria (Hebrew) of his full name. Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macro... Read More

    1 min read
  • God's Governmental Ages

    When Darby developed his idea of Dispensationalism in the 1850’s, he seemed to know little or nothing about the feast of Tabernacles. For this reason, his idea of the “rapture” was based on his partial knowledge of Scripture. He understoo... Read More

    Bible Studies
    11 - 14 min read
  • The Dispensational view of the Ages

    Having laid out the panorama of history, let us look at the broad structure of the ages within that big picture. During the Dark Ages, when Scripture was hidden from most people, only a few of the educated priests were able to entertain views and theories... Read More

    Bible Studies
    8 - 10 min read

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