God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study


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Latest Posts

  • The heart of a beast

    In Daniel 4:25 and 32 we read a prophecy that the king of Babylon would dwell with “the beasts of the field” and “given grass to eat.” In other words, he would identify with “beasts” for a period of “seven times.&r... Read More

    Bible Studies
    8 - 10 min read
  • Senomyx—making us cannibals one bite at a time

    www.linkedin.com/pulse/synomyx-aborted-fetal-cells-enhance-flavor-food-products-龙的建造者- Every time we eat any of the food sources listed below (and any time we eat the flesh and blood of another sentient being), we are participating in a satanic ritual. It... Read More

    2 min read
  • Dr Judy Mikovitz testimony

    Here is a brief testimony from a cancer research doctor who was persecuted and jailed without trial for publishing her findings about vaccines in a major medical journal. Big Pharma, which the Bible calls pharmakeia (“sorcery”) tried to force h... Read More

    < 1 min read
  • Kingdom Immigration Principles

    Now that the midterm elections are drawing near, and people believe that the future of the nation and the world hang in the balance, the contest/war is getting quite hot. People are getting killed, the latest at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pennsylvania,... Read More

    Bible Studies
    10 - 12 min read
  • Lawsuit victory proves vaccine hoax

    Here is a 7-minute video of a nurse reprimanding the CDC for knowingly pushing its ineffective flu shots. Now that she has retired, she is able to speak up without being fired from her job. https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/alternative/2018/3644559.html In he... Read More

    2 min read

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