God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • Alternate bank to the IMF being set up

    The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are already moving to set up their own Development Bank as an alternative to the IMF. They are tired of the US government using the International Monetary Fund as a fund to prop up (manipulate)... Read More

    1 min read
  • News from the Front Lines

    The year 2014, along with 2010, is one of the most important years in prophecy. In the broader perspective, the time frame from 2006-2017 is full of endpoints of some long-term judgment time cycles that began in biblical times. It really started in March... Read More

    8 - 10 min read
  • Short history of the dollar’s demise

    The headline for the following article is in terms of China’s trade with Rwanda, but it is actually a short history of how the Chinese Yuan (currency) is replacing the US dollar. It all started after the banking crisis in September of 2008. But the b... Read More

    3 - 4 min read
  • Who are the saints that are given the Kingdom? Part 2

    Series: Who are the saints that are given the Kingdom? - I have shown earlier (and in many writings) that Christ came the first time of the tribe of Judah, but He comes the second time as the Heir of Joseph with His robe dipped in blood (Revelation 19:13; Genesis 37:31). Having received the Birthright, Joseph ob... Read More

    Bible Studies
    10 - 13 min read
  • The Cyrus Cylinder

    When King Cyrus of Persia took the city of Babylon in 537 B.C., he wrote what is considered to be the first Declaration of Human Rights. Under this Declaration, the people of Judah and others were each allowed to return to their original countries. (The Ba... Read More

    2 min read

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