God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • Jewish protests and Trump's new policy

    The Israeli war in Gaza and Lebanon is not going so well for them. The Israeli army has had thousands of casualties so far, even though they claim far less have been killed. But it is illegal for news outlets to report their casualties, because they obviou... Read More

    1 min read
  • Hollywood being exposed

    In November 2023 investigations were launched into allegations that the very popular singer, P Diddy had been involved in human trafficking. On September 16, 2024 he was arrested and charged. Since then, his connections (and partners) have come under inves... Read More

    < 1 min read
  • The meat of the word, part 17

    Series: The meat of the word - The current crisis in the Zionist state was not caused by the events of October 7, 2023, nor even what happened May 14, 1948. It goes much deeper. Other than Adam’s sin, which is the root cause of all sin thereafter, we can trace the problem to the c... Read More

    Bible Studies
    9 - 11 min read
  • Who divided the land?

    The British controlled Palestine from 1917-1947 in the aftermath of World War 1. But the rise of Jewish terrorists such as Vladimir Jabotinski, Menachem Begin, and Yitschat Shamir finally forced the British government to put the problem into the hands of t... Read More

    8 - 10 min read
  • Behind the curtain: why the US invaded Iraq

    Judge Napolitano interviews Chief Master Sergent Dennis Fritz who worked with classified material in the military and who had access to the truth behind the US invasion of Iraq and the deception that was used to justify that war. That information is now de... Read More

    < 1 min read

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