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This is a reminder of the Tabernacles conference that we will be hosting from October 18-20 at the DoubleTree hotel on Park Place Blvd. in Minneapolis! We have held conferences there in past years. The cost for a room is $129 per night, plus appropriate taxes. Considering the inflation rate these days, this is a good price.
Keep in mind that there are two DoubleTree hotels in Minneapolis. We will be meeting at the one on Park Place just off Hwy 394 that heads west out of the downtown area.
As usual, our plan is to livestream most of the sessions. The exception is James Bruggeman, who does not want to do things live but prefers to edit the videos before making them available on his website.
Click the button below to view full details about this conference:
In my last article, I wrote about the first watch date one year after the Jubilee Prayer Campaign, in which Speaker of the House, Tom Foley, pushed the GATT treaty through the House and then resigned. Washington was thus de-Foley-ated, and the Babylonian "tree" was chopped down with a "lower cut" (Nethercutt), this time not leaving a stump of Babylon to grow in the future.
When we view people as signs, it is not necessarily a reflection of their character, unless their character is directly relevant to the sign itself. In other words, the "de-Foley-ating" sign should not be used to judge Tom Foley himself. He was simply acting out the sign, unconsciously role-playing as a great prophetic actor on a stage. We see this in Scripture also, although often people are more than just signs--they are also "types and shadows," which are more long-term than mere signs and which usually do reflect the person's moral character. For example, King Saul was a type of the Church under Pentecost, while King Cyrus was a prophetic sign of Christ overthrowing Babylon.
I also mentioned that there was a second watch date 414 days after the Jubilee Prayer Campaign. This came out to January 17, 1995. As I explained in detail in my book, Secrets of Time, the number 414 deals with "Cursed Time," and is the time when the sentence of the law actually manifests in the earth.
We were surprised when we witnessed the great 6.6 Richter earthquake hit Los Angeles on Jan. 17, 1994, just seven weeks after the prayer campaign. My first reaction was: "It's a year early! What's going on?" As it turned out, it was a precursor to a greater (7.2 Richter) quake that was to hit precisely one year later in Kobe, Japan.
By this time, I had guessed that we would probably see an earthquake hit Seattle on Jan. 17, 1995. I figured that the 1994 Los Angeles quake was a sign or precursor to the next 1995 quake, but I thought Seattle was a more logical place for it to strike. Why? Because Washington State has always been the place to watch for signs concerning Washington D.C. Or, as I have often put it, Washington State is the spiritual headquarters for Washington D.C.
Thus, when President Clinton was inaugurated to the presidency on Jan. 20, 1993, a tremendous windstorm hit Seattle. It knocked down every telephone pole in Lynnwood, where we were soon to move. I saw the news reports and said, "There's a new wind (spirit) in Washington D.C., and it's not a good one."
And so I expected the quake to hit Seattle, because Washington D.C. is the seat of government for our U.S. branch of the Babylonian Empire. In this way, I thought, it would be a sign of the coming downfall of Babylon.
After the quake hit Kobe, Japan, news reporters and others began to focus their attention on that city. We learned that Kobe means "God's Gate" or "God's Door." That is the same meaning as Babylon, that is, Bab-ili in the original Chaldean language. In other words, if we were to translate the name "Babylon" from Chaldee to Japanese, it would come out as KOBE.
Thus, we saw "Babylon" fall symbolically on Jan. 17, 1995 precisely 414 days after the prayer campaign to overthrow Babylon.
At the same time, the news reporters mentioned in passing that Kobe is Seattle's "sister city." So this is what I was discerning without having the complete picture yet. I thought Seattle would be hit by a quake on Jan. 17, 1995, but instead, it hit her sister city that was named "Babylon" in Japanese!
Both the Tom Foley sign (Nov. 29, 1994) and the Kobe sign (Jan. 17, 1995) confirmed the validity of the Jubilee Prayer Campaign in 1993. When we see events occur on specific time cycles, it gives us confirmation. The primary purpose of time cycles is to show a cause-and-effect relationship at the two ends of the cycle. Timing can be tricky, of course, especially when we project into the future. It's difficult to know precisely how the spiritual causes will manifest in the physical world. Yet I find it very helpful to have some awareness of timing so that events seldom take us totally by surprise.
Speaking personally, my life and focus is devoted to seeing the true Kingdom of Jesus Christ established on the earth. Of necessity, that involves disenfranchising the Babylonian counterfeits and wannabe kingdoms. While I recognize that God in His wisdom has allotted many nations varying blocks of time to bring forth the fruits of the Kingdom, I also understand that these man-centered kingdoms have run out of time. It is now time for the overcomers to step up to the plate and do what others have failed to do since the beginning of time.
For this reason, I take Jesus' words in Matt. 21:43 very seriously, for it is the desire of my heart to be among those who are given the Kingdom and who will actually bring forth the fruit that God wants--and demands--from those who are chosen. All other nations have failed, because they used their God-given power and authority to bless themselves, rather than all the families of the earth. They saw themselves as "chosen" to rule, rather than to serve--and to receive, rather than to give. They ruled in selfish pride, rather than in selfless humility. Jesus said in Matt. 20:25-28,
"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles [ethnos, "people or nations"] lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man [Jesus] did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
The nation--and even the Church during the past Pentecostal Age--have not obeyed Jesus' words. I hear Christian leaders all the time telling their members that they should serve the Church, rather than the Church serving them. Yes, there are many individual pastors who truly have the heart of a servant. But many use their positions to gain wealth and fame, saying, "If you serve me, you are serving Jesus." They should be saying to themselves, "If I, as Pastor or Priest, serve even the least of these, I am serving Jesus."
The time is fast approaching when these leaders who "lord it over them" will lose their position in the Kingdom of God, because they were unwilling to be true servants. This is the sobering truth for our time, as God chooses the leadership for His Kingdom in the Tabernacles Age that lies ahead.