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The Law of Entanglement shows that we are all interconnected in ways that most of us do not understand nor even believe. Dr. Carolyn Leaf tells of a scientific experiment showing this “entanglement” on page 113 of her book, Switch On Your Brain:
“In the experiment researchers got two people to meditate next to each other in an electronically shielded room, called a ‘faraday cage.’ Then they separated them into two separate faraday cages, and as they continued to meditate, researchers shone light in the eye of one of the meditators. The part of the brain that lit up in that person’s brain also lit up in the other meditator’s brain, even though there was no sensory or electromagnetic connection.”
Why are we all connected? What do we have in common? Paul gives us the answer in Romans 11:36,
36 For from [ek, “out of”] Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.
In other words, all things in creation come out of the Creator. I explained in my book, Paul’s Epistle to the Saints in Rome, Vol. II, pages 88, 89,
All things, whether they be physical or not, come from (ek, “out of”) Him. This has to do with the origin of the building material by which God created the heavens and the earth. Theologians have used three Latin terms to describe differing views:
creatio ex nihilo, “creation out of nothing”
creatio ex materia, “creation out of some pre-existent, eternal matter”
creation ex deo, “creation out of the being of God”
In the first century, Paul says that all things came out of God, which is the third view (above). The second-century Church fathers began to teach that God created all things out of nothing, based on 2 Maccabees 7:28, written over a century before Christ:
“I beseech thee, my son, look upon the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, and consider that God made them of things that were not; and so was mankind made likewise.”
The ex materia view was the Greek classical view that matter was eternal and chaotic before being formed and organized. They also believed that the devil (“demiurge”) was the creator, because they believed that matter was inherently evil, and only spirit was good. So the normal Greek view in Paul's day was the second (above). This view today is perpetuated by the Mormons, who took issue with the ex nihilo view and began to teach the ex materia view of creation.
Paul's view was that all things came out of God Himself. His statement in Heb. 11:3 “that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible” is quite different from 2 Maccabees, for Paul only says that matter is made out of things invisible, or too small to be seen with the naked eye (i.e., atoms, electrons, neutrons, protons). He does NOT say that God created these things out of nothing (ex nihilo), as does the writer of 2 Maccabees.
Paul tells us that because all things came out of God, all things must inevitably return to Him. This is his way of expressing the divine plan. The smallest pieces of matter are not atoms or protons or even quarks. They are called by physicists “God Particles,” and (like light) can act as either a particle or a wave. They are the point of transition from spirit to matter.
All things go THROUGH Him as well. This is what we call history. It is the outworking of the divine plan, and it includes the imposition of blindness upon humanity.
Finally, all things go back TO Him in the restoration of all things. If any “God Particle” is left unrestored, if any part of God is cut off from Him forever, then God will forever remain incomplete and imperfect. All must truly go back TO Him in order for all things to work together for good, and for the divine plan to be complete.
Only in such an event could Paul conclude with his doxology, “To Him be the glory forever. Amen.”
In other words, we have God in common, because we are all made of material that came “out of” God. If God lost anything part of Himself in the end, then He would remain forever incomplete. Quantum physics, however, shows how we are all interconnected, and in the end all must return “to Him,” that is, to God.
We are not alone in the world. We are all connected in Christ, in spite of the temporary dysfunction and sin and lack of faith that is evident in the majority of humanity. It does require faith to reconnect with God, but Scripture makes it clear that God will indeed cause all men to have faith in Christ, for “every knee will bow” at the Great White Throne. And at the end of the age of judgment, when all men will experience the Creation Jubilee, time itself as we know it will become irrelevant. As Carolyn Leaf herself says,
“We know God operates outside of the space-time dimension. And we know prayer does too.” (Leaf, p. 113)
At the present time, we are learning how to function in the spiritual dimension while living under the earthly laws of time and space. Our bodies are subject to time and space, but our spirits have no such restrictions. Our perception—that which we focus upon—determines our walk, our life, and everything we believe and do.
Our soulish mind is the mediator between spirit and body. It has the ability to see and interpret both earthly and spiritual experiences. The souls of most people are tuned largely to earthly things, for this is how we have been taught. This is, in fact, the state of the soul on account of its mortality—the disease of the soul that eventually leads to death. Hence, the prophet laments that “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20, KJV). Everyone knows that the body dies, but some (like the Greeks) believed that the soul was spiritual and was therefore immortal. Scripture contradicts this. The soul dies with the body. Only the spirit and its conscious mind is immortal.
Since Adam’s sin, our soul’s tendency has been to follow the leading of the body or flesh. But the soul has retained its inherent ability to perceive spiritual things, even if it cannot understand or evaluate what it sees on account of its flesh (1 Corinthians 2:14). But when you identify “the real you” as the Christ in your spirit and reject the old identity given to us though Adam, then you may begin to use “the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16) to perceive things never thought possible.
This is called praying in the spirit. Such perception occurs when the soul receives data from the spiritual realm by downloading it from our spirit which knows all things and is not bound by time or space. True prayer is a spiritual experience. It is a communication with Christ within the spirit, whether by word or vision.
I have found that the biggest obstacle to hearing God’s voice or seeing Him in the spirit is the fact that it is TOO EASY. The soul naturally has this ability that can be used at any time, but because it is too easy, we find it difficult to believe that it is really happening. All of our past training makes us skeptical. We are not worthy to approach such a holy God. We are not saints. It must take years in a monastery or in a cave to train ourselves to do this. Only prophets can hear God’s voice.
None of these objections are true. These objections originate in the flesh. The spirit calls us continually to fellowship with the Creator of the Universe, who resides in us in the form of “Christ in you.”
The Greek view that matter is inherently evil and that a holy God would never taint Himself by inhabiting human flesh is a gnostic world view that the Apostle John refuted in the first few verses of His gospel. “The word became flesh,” he said in John 1:14. The Pentecostal experience in Acts 2 was another refutation of Gnosticism, for there we see that the Spirit of God does indeed indwell human flesh. In the Old Testament, the book of Jonah reveals this as well, for Jonah (Heb. “dove”) is in one sense a type of the Holy Spirit that was swallowed by the great fish (church/flesh). This is the sign of Jonah.
There are non-believers who train their souls to receive data from their spirit. They are often far more efficient at this than Christians. However, they are at a disadvantage because they are unable to communicate with Christ—who is not in them. They may only peer into spiritual things without the voice of Christ to instruct them in what they are seeing or hearing. Often they hear things that are unlawful to hear and see things that are unlawful to see apart from the leading and approval of Christ.
In fact, they peer into the spiritual realm as outsiders, for they are yet identified with the old Adamic man, the fleshly soul. They believe in the inner man, but that inner man is not Christ in them, but the soul itself, which thinks it is spiritual on account of its ability to see into the spiritual realm. But this is untrue, for there is only one way to beget Christ in anyone. It is by the Holy Spirit overshadowing us, as seen in Matthew 1:18.
True believers are those who have been begotten by the Holy Spirit so that Christ indwells their spirit. Those who develop the inherent ability to walk in the spirit enjoy a tremendous advantage. They do not peer into the realm of spirit as outsiders, but actually identify with Christ, known as the New Creation Man (Galatians 6:15). As such, you do not peer into the realm of spirit, but rather you peer out into the material world. Your view of the world is through the eyes of your Christ identity.
What do you see? Quantum physics says that you see an infinite array of probabilities according to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which are only made certain when a decision (choice) is made. Choices collapse all probabilities into a single actuality. We are called to make the correct choices according to the mind of Christ. In fact, the mind of Christ will always make the correct choice. An incorrect choice is, by definition, a choice of the old man of flesh.
This is not to say that a correct choice will always lead you in a successful or pain-free path. Jesus Himself chose the path of the cross. Often God intends that we walk a path that seems unsuccessful or one that brings pain, in order to give us an experience in earth that is necessary for our spiritual growth and discipline.
Being led by the spirit does not separate anyone from the soul or body. It simply means that the soul and body are in obedience to the spirit (or Christ in the spirit). This begins to rewire our soulish mind as well as our fleshly brain. There are many toxic thoughts in both of these minds that need correction over time. These toxic thought patterns and negative emotional experiences are the building blocks of heart idolatry, which must be replaced by Spiritual Truth.
Our brains are wired for love. This is how we were created. Toxic thought patterns are abnormal and produce guilt and fear. Guilt and fear are the religious principles of the carnal mind as it worships at the altars of its idols. Dr. Carolyn Leaf’s book is designed to retrain our thought patterns with a 21-day brain detox learning program. She writes on page 130,
“When we distort love and truth, we wire this perversion into our brains and, in a sense, create brain damage. This is not an exaggeration, because our brains are wired for love, not fear, and therefore all the circuits—neurochemical, neurophysiological, neurobiological, electromagnetic, and quantum—are geared up for healthy not toxic, thinking. If we allow ourselves to learn fear, it creates chaos and havoc in our brains.”