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Former president Jimmy Carter died today at the age of 100. If I recall, this was the third death that was prophesied a few years ago. The third death was supposed to signal the start of something important. I do not remember any details, but perhaps some of you may recall and let me know.
In regard to our divine court case on December 26, today we received official confirmation that the dedication of the true Temple (Ephesians 2:20-22) was acceptable to God. Perhaps the next step in the progression will be the glorification of that Temple, as what happened after the dedication of Solomon’s temple. Since we are not correlating with the feast of Tabernacles, it appears that we are following the original pattern from 1981-1982, 1982-1983, and again from 1985-1986. According to those patterns, my early view is that we could see some version of glorification on January 26/27, 2025.
December 30, of course, is also one of the key dates in those early patterns, if you will recall.
As we reach the close of 2024, let me say first that 2024 was 49 x 70 years since Israel’s Jordan crossing under Joshua. We have now concluded the final 49-year cycle in that series. As you all know, the Year of Jubilee follows each 49-year cycle. So 2025 is the actual Year of Jubilee.
I believe that November 29, 2024 was the key date (event) in the year 2024. It was the day that Father-God stated that the overcomers entered into the season of fruitfulness. This season appears to correlate with this Year of Jubilee.
God also pointed out that we are again at Kadesh-barnea preparing to enter the Kingdom from the south without having to cross the Jordan (death and resurrection). Our task is to overcome the lack of faith that the Israelites experienced in Numbers 13 and 14, when they believed the evil report of the 10 spies and refused to enter the Kingdom.
Kadesh means “holy.”
Bar means “grain” in the sense of winnowing, purifying, separation (removal of chaff). I relate this also to barley, which represents overcomers, the sons of God. The Aramaic word bar means “son.” So Barnabas means “son of consolation.”
Nea has a wide variety of meanings—quiver, shake, vibrate, move up and down. When we relate it to barley, it has to do with the wave-sheaf offering, which is waved up and down in the temple. This signifies death and resurrection with the focus on resurrection. So Jesus Himself was raised from the dead and presented to the Father on the day of the wave-sheaf offering.
Putting these concepts together, Kadesh-barnea prophetically refers to the holy barley company, the sons of God, who are offered to God and who have the faith to enter the Kingdom. It appears that we are poised in some way to enter the Kingdom in 2025.
On December 30, 1981 we moved out of Las Cruces to begin our wilderness journey.
On December 30, 1982 the wilderness journey began to come to an end when I received a phone call offering me a job in Arkansas. (We actually moved January 22 and 23, 1983).
On December 30, 1985 Pastor Thomas left the men’s meeting and resigned as pastor of the church we were attending in Arkansas.
The date has to do with leaving, either in a negative or a positive context. One either moves toward or away from the Kingdom, depending on one’s level of faith.
December 30, 2024 God confirmed that His Temple had been dedicated successfully. This was comparable to a statement of faith, believing the good report of Caleb and Joshua. This obviously applies to the overcomers and not to the larger company which has followed the pattern set by the Israelites as a whole—those believing the evil report of the 10 spies. We now live in the time leading up to the first resurrection, which is limited to the few (Revelation 20:5, 6).
Of course, I am not trying to claim that only those who participated in the prayer of dedication are the overcomers. Rather, these few represent the larger body of overcomers. Those who participated consciously represent those who perhaps did not hear about our prayer of dedication but whose spirit was joined with us. God knows; it is not necessary that we know.
NATO’s war against Russia and the Russian people as a whole is using Ukrainians to fight their battles, hoping that this will weaken Russia. The Deep State plan, developed in 1992, is to divide Russia into about 4 smaller/weaker nations that could be dominated by Western corporations who wanted to seize the natural resources in Russia.
This plan began to fall apart when President Putin came to power, and for this reason he is hated throughout the West. Putin further aggravated the situation in 2012 when he banned LGBQ recruitment and advertising in Russia. It is interesting to see how Russia has steadily moved toward the model of a Christian nation while America and the West have adopted a Babylonian culture and model of government.
We saw this coming as early as 1986 when we held a prayer campaign against the Soviet Union. We took note that the spirit of Rosh had been expelled from Russia and had moved to America and the West. Ironically, we set the Russian people free only to take upon ourselves the problem. We now enjoy an authoritarian government, while Russia enjoys the freedoms we once had.
In 1986 I was still part of the Net of Prayer but was not in a position to lead prayer campaigns. So that particular prayer campaign was obviously incomplete and so it backfired on us, because no one got any leading to make any further corrections. But then, prophetic “Saul” was still alive, as he did not die until May 30, 1993. As long as “Saul” was yet king, “David” was the prime decision maker. The Net of Prayer was thus handicapped.
The war in Ukraine started in 2014 as the result of the US-led coup in Kiev, which overthrew the democratically-elected president in the name of establishing “democracy.” America has long been interfering in elections around the world, and dozens of world leaders have been assassinated when the US government failed to overthrow them.
The first big US-led coup took place in 1953 in Iran. The US government installed the Shah of Iran until 1979 when he was overthrown. The US government then supported Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran, and when he was no longer needed, we overthrew him in the Gulf War (1990).
Our US State Department has its own definition of “democracy.” It supports democracy as long as the leader is subservient to the US empire.
But the Deep State Babylonians are being driven back steadily, even as the Kingdom of God is rising. There is a world-wide reaction against Babylonian culture as nation after nation reject LGBT culture being forced upon the nations by US arm twisting. Europe is divided. Romania’s elections were headed toward a decisive defeat for the Deep State, so they cancelled elections. They tried to do so again in the nation of Georgia but failed. Germany is rejecting the current established government. Macron in France is fighting for his political survival. Italy has already been lost. It is only a matter of time before the whole financial structure of Babylon collapses.
These are the trends to watch in the coming years. We know from prophecy that the Kingdom of God will win; we just don’t know precisely how or when this will happen. But it will happen, and we need to prepare ourselves to reign with Christ in the Age to come.