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Yesterday Justin Trudeau, PM of Canada, announced his resignation, which will take effect when the party elects his replacement.
This is just one more government in a growing string of European nations that have collapsed in the face of pressure as the people rise up against the existing Babylonian order.
Those pressures have come as a direct result of the economic disaster caused by western sanctions against Russia on account of the Ukraine war. Ukraine has cost the west hundreds of billions of dollars and euros, and it has virtually demilitarized Europe of its non-nuclear arsenals. Germany, the industrial powerhouse of Europe (and even the world) has been irretrievably de-industrialized, particularly in the automobile sector, but also in the chemical industry. BASF is moving out of Germany to relocate in China.
After the US blew up the Nordstream gas pipeline, the European economy’s doom was sealed. Rising energy costs has made European industry non-competitive for the next few decades. This has caused Europeans to suffer a falling living standard, and this, in turn, has turned many Europeans against their own political parties. Those parties that want to return to pre-war spending and to the moral values that dominated just a decade ago, are said to be “far right,” when in fact their policies were centrist and normal just a decade ago.
The West has also shifted from the rule of law to a rules-based order. The difference is that we are no longer ruled by laws passed by congress or parliaments but rather we are ruled by oligarchs who make up whatever rules they wish and change them when they wish.
When viewed from a biblical perspective, using John’s terminology in the book of Revelation, we see this as evidence of the fall of Mystery Babylon, the secret world government commonly known as the New World Order. But that New World Order is fast becoming an Old World Order. It is being replaced by “orders” that are transitions into the Kingdom of God. The emerging Next World Order is God’s Kingdom.
Trump has been telling us (perhaps in jest) that Canada will soon be our 51st state. There is an underlying foundation for this, in that Canada depends on its foreign trade with the US. Some of you may recall how I went to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in early October of 1994 as a speaker for a Bible conference. The first thing on the schedule was a panel discussion.
The first question asked was, “Why don’t Americans appreciate the British Monarchy, seeing that it can trace its ancestry back to King David?” Of course, as an American, I had to step up to the plate and address this on behalf of Americans. I recounted how, after Solomon died, Israel and Judah split into two nations over high taxes without representation. This was repeated in 1776 when the American colonies split from the monarchy largely for the same reason.
God remanifested the biblical problem in our own time in order to resolve the issue. We concluded that in the end God would work to reunite us, starting with the US and Canada. However, I was quick to add that neither side was yet acceptable to God, as both were now part of Mystery Babylon. Hence, this reunification would not occur until the collapse of Babylon and the coming of God’s Kingdom.
Whether this would happen before or after the physical return of Christ was unknown at the time. The bottom line is that those gathered at this conference prayed that God would reunite us as one in His time and manner.
Now that we are witnessing the collapse of Mystery Babylon, I find it very interesting that Trump would start talking about Canada becoming our 51st state. This implies that Canada would be absorbed into the American system of Deep State government—something I would not wish upon anyone. But if the US were to be absorbed into Canada, the situation would not be an improvement either. Both nations are ruled by Mystery Babylon at the present time.
Nonetheless, it seems that this half-jest is a signal of things soon to come, and this implies that God’s Kingdom is also emerging.
America holds its presidential elections every 4 years in the first week of November. In other countries, the winner takes over the following day, but here it is more complicated. Essentially, the voters vote for “electors” who then meet in December or January to elect the president. So technically, the new president is not really elected until the Electoral College votes for him/her.
On January 6, 2025 the Electoral College certified that Donald Trump won the election.
Even so, Trump will not be inaugurated until January 20. Meanwhile, Biden is still president. Our system is complicated, but it is based on conditions 200 years ago when it took a long time to travel from western states to Washington D.C.
Trump is quite unpredictable, so it is best to wait and see what he actually does. My main concern is his Zionism. I suspect that his view will change, because God has His own agenda that will force the change. Zionism as a political and religious viewpoint will fail when Jerusalem is destroyed in fulfillment of Jeremiah 19:10, 11. I believe that the church will be forced to repudiate Zionism when this happens, and it seems probable that Trump will repudiate it at the same time. To do so prior to the church’s repentance is not feasible.