God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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Deuteronomy: The Second Law - The Complete Set
Bible Commentaries

A 10 book commentary on Moses' twelve speeches in the book of Deuteronomy. The book of Deuteronomy is a series of 12 speeches that Moses gave just before his death at the end of Israel's wilderness journey.

The Judges
Bible Commentaries

Two books in one. The first book is how the Judges themselves are named prophetically to give a message of Sonship. Book 2 is a commentary on the last 5 chapters of the book of Judges, presenting examples of how Israel was lawless after the death of Joshua.

Ruth: Redemption and Sonship
Bible Commentaries

The book of Ruth is the Bible's primary illustration of the law of sonship found in Deuteronomy 25. The story also illustrates the principles of New Covenant marriage as God set forth from the beginning. In addition, it is a natural sequel to the last five chapters of the book of Judges, showing the moral contrast between the home towns of Saul and David as a way of explaining the failure of Saul and the success of David.

Daniel: Prophet of the Ages - The Complete Set
Bible Commentaries

A 3 book commentary on the book of Daniel in the Bible. Book 1 deals with Chapters 1-6, Book 2 deals with Chapters 7-9, and Book 3 deals with Chapters 10-12

Hosea: Prophet of Mercy - Book 1
Bible Commentaries

Hosea's failed marriage was a prophetic type of God's failed marriage with Israel. Hosea's harlot wife, Gomer, was named to represent Israel, because Gomer was the official name which the Assyrians called Israel. Her divorce and subsequent redemption shows the mercy of God.

Hosea: Prophet of Mercy - Book 2
Bible Commentaries

Hosea's failed marriage was a prophetic type of God's failed marriage with Israel. Hosea's harlot wife, Gomer, was named to represent Israel, because Gomer was the official name which the Assyrians called Israel. Her divorce and subsequent redemption shows the mercy of God.

Amos: Missionary to Israel
Bible Commentaries

Amos was a missionary from Judah to Israel, giving them a final warning to repent before divine judgment was to destroy the nation. They refused, and two years later the nation was struck by a massive earthquake that destroyed their defenses and allowed the Assyrians to conquer them easily.

Jonah: Prophet of Restoration
Bible Commentaries

Jonah is the Prophet of Restoration. He is the prophetic witness of the law of cleansing lepers (Lev. 14) and the law of the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16). He is a prophet who proves that God is concerned about non-Israelites, and questions Israelite nationalism and exclusivism. The book of Jonah is one of the most remarkable books in the Bible.

Haggai: Prophet of the Greater Temple
Bible Commentaries

Haggai prophesied in the years after the end of Judah's captivity to Babylon. The first major project was to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. This project actually prophesied of a greater temple that was yet to be built made of living stones.

Malachi: God's Messenger
Bible Commentaries

This 86-page commentary on the prophet Malachi shows the spiritual problems already developing in his day which would prove to hinder the people from recognizing or accepting the Messiah four centuries later.

Dr. Luke: Healing the Breaches - The Complete Set
Bible Commentaries

Luke was a doctor, one trained in healing people. His gospel uses many medical terms, and his underlying purpose was to heal the breaches between ethnic groups, between men and women, and between God and men. This commentary focuses upon Luke's gospel, but also integrates details from the other gospels, so that we get a more complete picture of the life of Christ and His ministry on earth.

The Gospel of John - The Complete Set
Bible Commentaries

Jesus manifested God's glory through 8 miraculous signs in the gospel of John. These are a revelation of the feast of tabernacles. A 5 book commentary on the Gospel of John.


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