Tabernacles Conference 2024

October 18-20

This is a reminder of the Tabernacles conference that we will be hosting from October 18-20 at the DoubleTree hotel on Park Place Blvd. in Minneapolis! We have held conferences there in past years. The cost for a room is $129 per night, plus appropriate taxes. Considering the inflation rate these days, this is a good price.

Keep in mind that there are two DoubleTree hotels in Minneapolis. We will be meeting at the one on Park Place just off Hwy 394 that heads west out of the downtown area.

As usual, our plan is to livestream most of the sessions. The exception is James Bruggeman, who does not want to do things live but prefers to edit the videos before making them available on his website.

Click the button below to view full details about this conference:

God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




Full Book Title List

Showing 49-60 of 77

The Revelation - The Complete Set
Bible Commentaries

An 8 book commentary on the book of Revelation. This order includes the 8 books that cover Revelation chapters 1 - 22.

Daniel's Seventy Weeks

Most of modern prophecy teaching has as its foundation the 70th week of Daniel. Many teach that God stopped His "clock" and pushed the 70th week into the future in order to establish an "Age of Grace" for "Gentiles." It is often taught that the 70th week will begin with the Rapture, the rise of an Antichrist, the beginning of the Tribulation, and the fulfillment of most of the book of Revelation. All of these teachings are based upon an incorrect understanding of history. This book reconstructs the foundations of history and shows how prophecy teaching must be modified to fit the history.

The Restoration of All Things

The Bible says that every knee will bow to Jesus Christ and that God has committed to Jesus all judgment. How will God accomplish this purpose? Will He do this by refusing to judge mankind for sin? Or will He do it through His judgments? This booklet shows the difference between Universalism, which denies all divine judgment, and Restorationism, which teaches that the judgments of the law are corrective and restorative.

Old and New Covenant Marriage

The divine law recognizes two kinds of marriage relationships. These are best illustrated by Hagar and Sarah, who were Abraham's wives. The Apostle Paul sets forth these two women in Gal. 4, saying that they represent the two (marriage) covenants. This book is no doubt the first of its kind in that it challenges many traditional views about marriage and sets forth the ideal marriage to be based upon the New Covenant.

The Judgments of the Divine Law

This book devotes a separate chapter to each of the words translated "hell" in the New Testament: Tartarus, Gehenna, and Hades. It also deals with the biblical nature of the "lake of fire" and its duration as "eonian." It concludes with a historical chapter, showing what many of the early Christian fathers believed about divine judgment and how it was restorative, rather than destructive.

The Bible Says: Divorce and Remarriage is Not Adultery

This book was NOT written to encourage divorce, but rather to show that if one remarries after a lawful divorce, he has not committed adultery. Divorce itself is not a sin, but a judgment for sin. Many translations of Matt. 5:32 make Jesus appear to forbid remarriage, but we show that the text has been mistranslated and then misunderstood. Jesus did not put away the Law. Deut. 24:1-4 specifically permits divorce and remarriage.

Who is a Jew?

30 pages. In Romans 2:28, 29 Paul tells us who IS a Jew and who is NOT a Jew. God's answer to this question cannot be obtained by looking at one's genetics, but by the lawful requirements of citizenship in a tribe of Israel. This shows how those Jews who accepted Christ and all others who accept Him as King-Messiah have legally joined the tribe of Judah and are thus "Jews". On the other hand, those who have rejected Him are NOT Jews at all, because they have revolted against the King of Judah and have forfeited their citizenship in Judah.

God's Law on Restitution

This is a study of the 8th Commandment regarding theft of property. This includes a unique history of the American penal system and how the Socialist theories behind it have utterly failed. The American system of "justice" is not only extremely expensive, but it perpetuates crime and does little or nothing to recompense the victim or rehabilitate the thief. God has the answer in His law solving all these problems.

Who is an Israelite?

This 60-page book is a natural sequel to the book, "Who is a Jew?" It traces the natural Israelites (i.e., ex-Israelites of the dispersion) from Israel to Assyria and on into Europe and other parts of the world. However, it also shows that being an Israelite is a matter of lawful citizenship. To become a citizen of Israel requires accepting Jesus Christ as the Birthright Holder of Joseph in His second coming. In other words, one must be an overcomer to be an Israelite. This was how Jacob received the name "Israel" at the beginning.

When REALLY was Jesus Born?
History and Prophecy

The fascinating history of events surrounding Jesus' birth. On Feb. 5, 2 B.C. the Roman Senate passed a bill making Augustus Caesar the "father of the country." They decreed that the whole Roman world should ratify this document, and Cyrenius was sent to Syria and Palestine to conduct this "census" (enrollment). See Luke 2:1. This and many other historical events prove conclusively that Jesus was born in 2 B.C.

The Laws of Wormwood and Dung

The word in the Bible that is translated "wormwood" is actually opium, and the prophets speak of it and its spiritual meaning. This is related to the laws of dung, which deal with the problem of the idols of the heart. Ezekiel tells us most about this problem.

The Prophetic History of the United States
History and Prophecy

This book devotes its chapters to specific important dates in the history of the USA, beginning with Columbus' arrival to the New World in 1492. It shows the connecting links to the biblical history of Israel and the 2,520-year cycle that culminate in modern times. There are also Cursed Time cycles and Judged Time cycles that help explain the meaning of these historical events.


Showing 49-60 of 77

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