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The Kingdom of God is steadily emerging. Prophecy is being fulfilled. This takes time, of course, because this is not just a minor turn of events. It is the end of an epoch and the start of the thousand-year reign of Christ and the reign of the overcomers with Him.
Each Prophetic Year, ending on the 8th day of Tabernacles, begins with two cleansing cycles of 76 days each. The starting dates differ each year, depending on the start point. The current Prophetic Year began on November 21, 2024 with the ICC’s indictment of Israeli PM Netanyahu and others on charges of war crimes against the Palestinian population of Gaza. This cycle ended two days ago on February 5, 2025.
I cannot go into specifics, but I can say that February 5 saw the completion of the preparatory stage necessary to implement Kingdom dominion in the earth. We have now begun the second 76-day cleansing cycle that will end on April 19.
The first 76-day cycle was somewhat complex, because most of the watch dates within this cycle reflected the 1981-1982 pattern of events, where the Net of Prayer held its original prayer campaign from November 12, 1981 to January 27, 1982. To me, this was the original 76-day pattern on which all of the subsequent cycles hinged. That prayer campaign set me free from the Broken Cross System (church system ruled by men rather than by God).
January 27, 2025 marked what we called the “door opener,” based on a prophecy from August 2007, which revealed the nature of that door opener. This actually occurred on January 27. But then I turned my attention to February 5 and wondered if we would see a second event, like a double witness. The question in my mind was whether or not we would see anything significant on this year’s cycle (November 21 to February 5).
As it turned out, February 5 was the completion was what began on January 27. We are now getting ready to start implementing Kingdom authority in the earth on a practical level during the second 76-day cycle. There are still some spiritual actions that must be done, particularly in the Black Forest in Bavaria. I assume that these things will be done by April 19.
Some decades ago, a high-level Rothschild agent (partner) built two golden calves and brought them to the Black Forest where he could worship them. One of our high-level partners knew of this and is being led to overthrow those golden calves. That partner was unable to do so except by partnering with us, because we held the keys needed to complete this task. On February 5 the preparatory work was completed, making it possible for him/her to fulfill the word of the Lord.
Recall from history and from Daniel 5 how King Cyrus of Persia took the city of Babylon intact. There was no great destruction, other than the fall of Belshazzar’s government. Belshazzar is the only one in the biblical record who was killed in this takeover. The walls of Babylon were not thrown down. The city was not burned to the ground. It was simply a change of management. The nobles and government officials got a new boss and conformed to the will of the Persian king.
(King Darius the Mede, being Cyrus’ father-in-law, was installed to implement the new government while Cyrus continued his conquests for the next few years. He reorganized the kingdom under 120 provinces (satraps) and put Daniel in charge as the head of 3 governors. See Daniel 6.)
In regard to Mystery Babylon today, we are seeing a similar pattern. The world system is coming under new management without the destruction that so many believe will happen. Some very important people, who used to be allies of the Babylonian king (Rothschild), have split with him and are now working with us to implement the Kingdom. These people are yet unschooled in the word of God, and they do not see this in Kingdom terms as such, but yet they see that the Rothschilds have lost much of their power. They see, in practical terms, what we are doing and are fully on board with it.
In time they will learn more about God’s Kingdom. Meanwhile, one of the great lessons that we have learned in recent years is that God is sovereign, and He has use for everyone, whether they are vessels of honor or vessels of dishonor (as Paul would say). I noticed during the 1980’s that God does not wait for sinners and enemies to repent and “get saved” before He starts treating them as righteous friends. He does not look at where they are at the moment but rather at where they will be when their story is complete.
Two years ago God brought to us two Hindu bankers who (He revealed) would be of great help to us. Although neither were believers at the time, we trusted that God knew what He was doing. We have found them both to be of great help and value in establishing the Kingdom. After seeing just a portion of our Kingdom plan, both of them came to Christ and have become enthusiastic supporters and workers for His Kingdom.
We also have Muslims working for us, not radicals, yet devout in their own way. These too have filled vital roles in the development of Kingdom infrastructure.
Less than six weeks ago, another high-level Babylonian atheist, who had also broken away from the Rothschild sphere, heard about what we were doing and wanted to become our allies. We had to pray seriously about this, because we had always considered him to be an enemy of the Kingdom. But God confirmed that he too was called by God in ways that even he could not know. We have had to learn not to judge people by their present state of mind but by the way in which God was leading them.
Remember the example of Saul/Paul. When he was consenting in the death of Stephen, no one could have guessed how God would use him soon.
This phrase comes from Revelation 16:12 and is an extension of the story of the fall of Babylon. Originally, there were just 2 kings of the east Cyrus the Persian and Darius the Mede. The prophecy in Revelation 16:12 points to a repeat pattern in regard to Mystery Babylon and its overthrow, but without mentioning any names in particular.
This suggests that new nations are being raised up with new leaders whom God has called to overthrow Mystery Babylon. More than 20 years ago I discerned that Russia and China were the new nations in question. But more recently, I noted that Revelation 16:12 also gives us no specific number of kings. The original pattern was just two, but in our time this is not necessarily the case.
Well, as it turns out, there are other world leaders from Asia who form an integral part in the overthrow of Mystery Babylon. In fact, we could not do what we are doing without them, even though they are not believers. I am reminded of the prophecy in Isaiah 45:4 regarding King Cyrus, saying, “I have also called you by your name, I have given you a title of honor though you have not known Me.”
This is an example of the sovereignty of God. He does not need believers to implement His will. In fact, many believers are disqualified (or unqualified), and many unbelievers are both called and qualified. The example in Isaiah 45 is Cyrus himself. This is one of those great mysteries that can be understood only by comprehending God’s sovereignty.
And what can we say about American presidents? Everyone of them has been called by God for a specific purpose—not always a positive purpose. President Biden was called to expose the immorality and corruption of our Babylonian system. President Trump is called as God’s Demolition Man (like Jehu) to overthrow Ahab and Jezebel (Clintons). Trump is also called to expose the Edomite roots of Zionism and to encourage the Israeli government to walk blindly into its own destruction.
Trump is also doing some positive things, though he often does so with a meat cleaver. In my view he is a mixed bag. But his story has not yet been fully told. If Kim Clement’s prophecy is fulfilled, he will leave office as “a praying man.” I hope so, but regardless of Trump’s present spiritual condition, I am confident that God will accomplish His purpose through him. And that purpose has everything to do with overthrowing Mystery Babylon, perhaps in ways that even he is unaware.
For those of us who understand biblical prophecy, we have a unique view of the big picture. We know that no matter what world leaders think or believe, each plays a role in moving us toward God’s Kingdom. Those who are corrupt are exposing Babylon so that it opens the eyes of the people and makes them long for the righteous Kingdom. Those who are righteous are blessed the most. Many are a mixture of the two. It is important that we do not focus too much on men but upon the divine plan.