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This is a reminder of the Tabernacles conference that we will be hosting from October 18-20 at the DoubleTree hotel on Park Place Blvd. in Minneapolis! We have held conferences there in past years. The cost for a room is $129 per night, plus appropriate taxes. Considering the inflation rate these days, this is a good price.
Keep in mind that there are two DoubleTree hotels in Minneapolis. We will be meeting at the one on Park Place just off Hwy 394 that heads west out of the downtown area.
As usual, our plan is to livestream most of the sessions. The exception is James Bruggeman, who does not want to do things live but prefers to edit the videos before making them available on his website.
Click the button below to view full details about this conference:
In the past few centuries, the balance of power concept was developed, in which competing countries were said to seek equal power. Historians usually treated this concept as if it were just a natural, unplanned, and inevitable state of the world. But this is not so.
Nations seek greater power, not a balance of power. It was only when powerful men gained power over multiple nations that they were able to divide up those nations into equal but competing factions and then pit each side against the other in order to control them more easily.
Being divided into two relatively equal groups/alliances, the two groups could be used to threaten each other. Wars could be started between them that would be profitable to the arms dealers and put both sides into increasing debt to the bankers. The bankers could determine the outcome of each war by adjusting their financing, because they financed both sides of the war.
So we see that the bankers in New York and London financed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in the early 1900’s. When the revolution was successful in November of 1917, Jacob Schiff (of Kuhn and Loeb bank in New York) bragged about his role in this, as reported in the New York Times.
The Bolshevik Revolution divided East from West, each side being controlled by western banking interests. An “iron curtain” was erected over time, dividing eastern Europe from western Europe and (after WW2) East Germany from West Germany. The Cold War was the result of this new balance of power, as many spoke of “the two superpowers” (Russia and the USA).
When communism became untenable in the 1980’s, it was decided that a single superpower could unite the world through a new concept called globalism. This was their “New World Order,” based on the idea that the world was ready for a one-world government. The European Union was designed to unite that region. China was financed by making it the manufacturing center of the world. China was strengthened while the West was weakened.
Just as Britain was the superpower of the 1800’s and America in the 1900’s, so also was China given the promise to rule the next century (2000’s). It would provide a totalitarian model for the rest of the world to follow, mostly through surveillance technology.
This plan, however, was disrupted by Donald Trump under the slogan Make America Great Again. It was a poke against the plan to make China great in the 21st century. The plan had been to unite China and the USA in a great unification of East and West. It was to be accomplished through two administrations: eight years of Obama and eight years of Hillary Clinton.
The Trump administration disrupted that plan and put them behind schedule. Agenda 21 (i.e., 2021) suddenly was revised to Agenda 30.
Agenda 30 is the UN’s plan “for sustainable development.” The key word is sustainable, as this is the term they chose to promote their depopulation program in order to achieve a “sustainable” population level in the world. That plan is written on the Georgia Guidestones, which call for a reduction of world population to 500 million people. It lists its own version of 10 commandments, and the first states: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”
The 10th commandment on the Georgia Guidestones says, “Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.”
It sounds noble to “leave room for nature,” but when this plan is implemented by men who only seek power, it is clear that they plan to kill off most of humanity in order to “leave room for nature.” Why? Because humanity is “a cancer on the Earth.” If they would volunteer to give their own cancerous lives for the sake of the earth, I might see their sincerity.
However, they see themselves as “elite” who are not like ordinary people. They have a right to rule the earth and the right to depopulate the earth through wars, abortion, and vaccines. They know that 8 billion people are not manageable, so they want to reduce it to 500 million.
These power-hungry people want us to give our lives for their cause. By contrast, Jesus gave His life for us. His cause is to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28). If the laws of the Kingdom are restored, the earth will be able to sustain a hundred billion people. It is only under Babylonian laws that there is unsustainability and shortages.
Donald Trump’s disruption disrupted the globalist one-world government and reestablished the iron curtain between East and West. In other words, the world has moved back into another form of the balance of power with its divide-and-conquer strategy. Globalism is dead, along with its one-world government. They have no choice but to return to the old strategy from past centuries, which is to foment wars to further weaken the nations and to kill as many people as possible.
This is where we find ourselves today. It is a dangerous time. Perhaps it is the specific time of “wars and rumors of wars” that Jesus prophesied in Mark 13:7. Yet we know that Babylon is falling and the Kingdom is rising. The conflict and power struggle between Mystery Babylon and the New Jerusalem is the cause of these “end-time” troubles. From Scripture we know who wins this war. We are on the winning side.